HL Camp & Company Review
For over 43 years, our firm has never had one customer
We have
been registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the
National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), the Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority (FINRA), the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and
the National Futures Association (NFA) for over 43 years.
During all of that time, our firm has never had one customer
HL Camp & Company is in full compliance with the annual Continuing Education (CE) requirements mandated by the United States Securities
& Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
for all Broker/Dealers, Registered Representatives, and Associated Persons.
"HL Camp is Wall Street's best kept secret!" ... Member, NYSE.
"Nowhere on the floor will you see the correct PREM or TIKI and that is why HL Camp is so important to our trading. " ... Member, NYSE.
"Your pattern recognition systems are unbelievably accurate." ... Member, CME.
"Thanks for the only accurate information in the world on the PREM and the TIKI, and how to use them correctly." ... Member, NYSE.
"I've been on Wall Street for 20 years, never have I seen anything like this!" ...Mutual Fund Manager, New York.
"The best program trading information in the world." ... Hedge Fund Manager, Greenwich, CT
"I thought the markets were manipulated. Now I know it for sure." ... Prop Trader, New York
"Now I know why Program Traders rarely lose. I sure wish I had discovered the PREM sooner!" ...Stockbroker, Washington, DC
"I've attended a lot of seminars on trading. Yours on program trading is the best one of them all. ...Day Trader, Las Vegas.
"HL Camp is the best seminar I have ever attended on trading."...Executive, Los Angeles.
"The best day I've ever spent studying the markets."...Business Owner, New York.
"The most information on trading that I've ever seen." ...Commodity Trader, Maryland.
"A long and intensive day, packed full of information ...the best trading decision I've ever made."... Business Owner, Texas.
"Your seminar completely changed my outlook on the markets AND my career."...Physician, Los Angeles